Monday, November 8, 2010

TWC Session 12

This session signified the second round of the group presentations.

First up was a presentation where the site was named as "The Health Herald", which included educational medical information to the general public without the intricacies of medical jargons. The site presented plenty of information which was previously difficult to comprehend due to the medical jargons. The most interesting thing which I had taken away from their presentation was about the IPhone and how it can become the new medical tool of the future. Since there are plenty of updates for the IPhone, as well as the ability to create an app for IPhone, the possibilities available are boundless. It is hard to imagine our lives without a smart phone when just 3 years ago we deemed them as unneccessary.

Next was a presentation by A(b)CDE, the topic which they did on was about "Language & Communication". Half of the world's languages are on the verge of extinction, mostly in the less developed areas. The overall flow of the presentation and the website was very clear, bringing us from how did various languages come about to the current drivers of why people are learning different langauges. Language is indeed a very powerful tool, both to identify oneself as well as to develop a sense of belonging to one culture and we cannot allow this diversity we have now to dissapear. This however does not mean that we are not allowed to have a universal translator since this will only help to bridge the gap between different cultures and increasing understanding as well as tolerance.

Lastly was a presentation on the internet, how we are so indulged in the internet or so called "webbed in the web". There are many benefits which the internet has provided for us thus far, but there are also many dangers of the internet which we should look out for, such as pornography and extremist ideals being posted online. Internet is somewhat similar to a double edged sword, the benefits are far too many for us to pose huge restrictions on it, we have to be educated about the dangers and how to avoid them instead. Internet may be replaced in the future by other technologies such as virtual reality, but the concept of it will never be replaced since it is indispensable to our lives.

This round of presentations was very insightful as well, I took away a substantial amount of information about the various technologies which we can no longer live without. The end of this module only signifies a new chapter for me, where my perspectives have been broadened such that I can apply the concepts here to innovations or news which I had simply ignored in the past.

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