Wednesday, September 15, 2010

TWC Lesson 5

Brief Overview/Summary

The lesson this week focused on Information and Communication technologies(ICTs), how it has developed and will continue to, shaping the world in the process of doing so.

We discussed about the various forms of ICT, before talking about why they have the potential to become an important driver for world change This is due to the fact that they had now become more interactive between individuals, thanks to the emergence of the internet. We also talked about some of the dangers and problems of ICTs, such as security/privacy issues.

Interesting Observations and Ideas

I found one of the topics of the individual oral presentation very interesting, it was on the topic on netspeaking. As a person who used to game regularly, I thought I understood most of the internet lingo that was used these days. However, when some of the sentences were displayed on the screen, I had close to no clue on what some of them were trying to say. Although throughout the course of this module we have been constantly talking about having a future where everyone could understand each other, what if it comes to a point in the future where people who speak the same language may not even understand what the other person is trying to say? A fine line has to be drawn for a person's use of internet lingo, when it is too excessively used more time is actually used to type it out, as well as for the person to decipher the sentence.

 Another interesting thing I found was in reading 2, when it was talking about several new technical capabilites that are now emerging, and their uses must be matched to needs. One of them was precise local spatial data, it can create new possibilities for engineering and market efficiencies. The article talked about linking a sensor in an automobile air filter to the network, to give a precise guide to the sources of various pollutions. What if such a technology was used in every aspect related to pollution? It will be much easier for the governments to implement taxation for such pollution, this might be key to a circular model for sustainable development.

Key Takeaways

From reading 2, I realised how empowered I was by the internet to help those who are less fortunate. With Facebook, Twitter or a Blog, I can complete the job of ubiquitous connectivity and access, form a local microcredit organization to transfer money or find a sponsor to provide for the neccessities of the less fortunate. Many such similar projects have already been initiated, but every individual's efforts goes a long way into changing the world.

I learnt the proper definition of Cloud Computing, how I am using it without knowing I am, and how it has the potential to change the way businesses work in the future, as well as the dangers attached to the benefits.

The world of the future may still be separated by physical boundaries, but it will become more connected than ever before by ICTs, people who are situated in a particular place may no longer be of the same nationality, but of the same interest.

Issues for Discussion

We are currently unable to realise the full potential of the ICT revolution as management techniques are still suited to industrial revolution, in the sense of a command and control structure. Unless we start changing the way we work with people, we will not capture the full potential. What are some of the ways in which we can change? I felt that this issue was not adequately addressed.

I felt that reading 2 had a lot of issues to be discussed, one of them was about learning how to reform education to match complex systems arising through ICTs. In a society like Singapore where almost every average household has more than one computer, what are some of the changes we can implement to the education system?

Personal Ratings for Session

I felt that this lesson was a 9/10. Going in depth into a specific topic has certainly helped me gain more insight into the current issues that are forcing a global change, whereas the previous lessons were more broad based and skimming through certain issues.

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